5 Can't Miss MongoDB.live Talks

July 8, 2021


MongoDB.live is coming up on July 13-14, and we're going to be there! As with last year, it's going to be a virtual conference, so register (for free), find a comfy spot and surf the numerous sessions available to anyone interested in the MongoDB ecosystem.


We spend a lot of time thinking about running analytics on MongoDB, as do many MongoDB users we speak with. With that in mind, here are 5 of our can't-miss sessions at MongoDB.live with an analytics bent:

1. Real Time Analytics with MongoDB Change Streams

MongoDB Change Streams, essentially MongoDB's version of change data capture (CDC), is a very useful tool for getting MongoDB data into an analytics-optimized store in real time. So much so that Rockset uses Change Streams under the hood in its MongoDB connector implementation. Shrey Batra comes from LinkedIn and Innovaccer, two companies with particularly data-intensive products, so I'm really interested to hear what type of real-time analytics architectures he's had experience with that employ MongoDB Change Streams.

2. Taking Sharding and Scale-Out to the Next Level

There's not a whole lot of detail on what to expect in the talk description, as it will cover new features in next week's MongoDB 5.0 release. But this is definitely a topic of interest, as scale remains a very real challenge for many organizations. I'm penciling in this talk because it's always fascinating to learn how engineering teams are solving scaling issues.

3. Sequencing the Coronavirus Using MongoDB Atlas

This is a very timely talk on how data and analytics are important tools in the fight against COVID-19 and other threats to public health. Angelos Molfetas, who leads Data Engineering, Analysis and Reporting at Oxford Nanopore Technologies, will be sharing on their work building sequencing platforms. From the talk description, it appears that MongoDB is used to collect and process manufacturing and telemetry data in an IoT-like use case. I'm curious to hear what kind of analytics they are building, whether they have real-time data requirements and what their data architecture looks like.

4. Rocket Ralph's Tech Talk Ten: Do More With Less On MongoDB Atlas

I tried to Google Rocket Ralph, but couldn't find out much about this speaker, except that he seems to be a puppet with a strong sartorial sense. Regardless, he's talking about how MongoDB Atlas allows developers to be at their most productive–by using managed MongoDB in the cloud. I genuinely believe that storing, processing and analyzing data in the cloud is where the world is headed, so I'm excited to hear what's new with MongoDB Atlas in this talk. Besides, who can say no to a puppet?

5. Building Great Games with MongoDB

One thing I really enjoy at conferences is panel discussions. You get great exchanges among multiple experts in the field, and they often build on one another's ideas. Here's one I'm looking forward to–a panel from the gaming industry. They're typically at the forefront of data and analytics, given the volume of data they collect and their need to optimize for user acquisition, retention and value. It'll be interesting to hear how they do all that and maintain developer velocity on their game releases without being bogged down managing databases.

And a bonus talk...

BRAIN BREAK: Mindfulness with MongoDB - "Trick Yourself into Falling Asleep"

A talk on preparing your brain and body for truly restorative sleep–I need that!

So come to MongoDB.live to learn. And don't forget to visit us at the Rockset virtual booth, where you can also learn about real-time analytics on MongoDB while you're at the conference!