Ingestion Errors

This page collects all kinds of the ingestion errors a source may hit, classified by source and exception type. If you are looking to troubleshoot errors with ingest, please reference the Troubleshooting Ingest page.

What are the type of exceptions?

You will see exception messages shown on the Collection page when data source ingest errors occur. There are 2 types of exceptions:

  1. Non retryable exception: This is fatal and the source is in an unrecoverable state, for example a source not found exception.
  2. Soft retryable exception: This type of exception will be retried for 2 to 3 hours with a long backoff before entering permanent error state, for example an authentication error.

Below we listed the all the possible exceptions by source type:

Azure Blob Storage

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
BlobStorageExceptionNon retryableAzure Blob Storage bucket not foundN/A
BlobStorageExceptionSoft retryableAzure Blob Storage bucket does not have list object permissions setN/A
BlobStorageExceptionSoft retryableAzure Blob Storage bucket does not have list object permissions setN/A

Amazon DynamoDB

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
TrimmedDataAccessExceptionNon retryableReached trimmed data for DynamoDB shardN/A
ResourceNotFoundExceptionNon retryableDynamoDB resource not foundN/A
AmazonDynamoDBExceptionNon retryableExport failed for DynamoDB tableExportConflictException
TableNotFoundExceptionNon retryableDynamoDB resource not foundN/A
AmazonDynamoDBExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing DynamoDB tableUnrecognizedClientException
AmazonDynamoDBExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing DynamoDB tableAccessDeniedException

Google Cloud Storage

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
StorageExceptionNon retryableGCS bucket not foundN/A
StorageExceptionNon retryableUnable to perform request to GCSN/A
StorageExceptionSoft retryableGCS bucket does not have list object permissions setN/A
StorageExceptionSoft retryableGCS bucket does not have list object permissions setN/A


ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
UnsupportedVersionExceptionNon retryableEncountered unsupported version failure when establishing connection to the Kafka clusterN/A
UnknownTopicOrPartitionExceptionNon retryableThe Kafka topic is not known to the brokerN/A
AuthenticationExceptionSoft retryableThe Kafka connection didn't make it through due to an authentication failure, please check your security settingsN/A
AuthorizationExceptionSoft retryableThe Kafka connection didn't make it through due to an authorization failure, please check your security settingsN/A
ConfigExceptionSoft retryableFailed to connect to Kafka due to invalid supplied configurationN/A

Amazon Kinesis

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
ResourceNotFoundExceptionNon retryableAmazon Kinesis Stream not foundN/A
InvalidArgumentExceptionNon retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
KMSAccessDeniedExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
KMSDisabledExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
KMSInvalidStateExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
KMSNotFoundExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
KMSOptInRequiredExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamN/A
AmazonKinesisExceptionSoft retryableInvalid AWS credentials specified for Amazon KinesisUnrecognizedClientException
AmazonKinesisExceptionSoft retryableInvalid AWS credentials specified for Amazon KinesisInvalidSignatureException
AmazonKinesisExceptionSoft retryableError occurred while accessing Amazon Kinesis StreamAccessDeniedException

AWS Key Management Service

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableThe KMS key does not have sufficient permissionsAccessDenied
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableThe KMS key does not have sufficient permissionAllAccessDisabled
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableThe request was rejected because the specified KMS key is not enabledKMS.DisabledException
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableThe request was rejected because the KMS key could not be foundKMS.NotFoundException

MongoDB Atlas

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
MongoConfigurationExceptionNon retryableError configuring the MongoDB clientN/A
MongoQueryExceptionNon retryableOperation failed due to BSON document greater than 16MiB limit.10334
MongoSecurityExceptionSoft retryableAuthentication failed to MongoDB hostN/A
MongoTimeoutExceptionSoft retryableUnable to reach MongoDB cluster. Please ensure that you have added Rockset provided IP addresses to IP Access List under Network Access in your clusterN/A
MongoCommandExceptionSoft retryableNot authorized to execute command13

Amazon S3

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
AmazonS3ExceptionNon retryableS3 bucket not foundNoSuchBucket
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableS3 bucket does not have get objects permission setAccessDenied
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableS3 bucket does not have get objects permission setAllAccessDisabled
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableUnable to get object in S3 bucketInvalidAccessKeyId
AmazonS3ExceptionSoft retryableUnable to access S3 bucket403 Forbidden

Amazon Security Token Service

ExceptionTypeMessageError Code
AWSSecurityTokenServiceExceptionSoft retryableAuthentication failed for AWS cross-account role integrationAccessDenied
AWSSecurityTokenServiceExceptionSoft retryableAuthentication failed for AWS cross-account role integrationAccessDeniedException