Tableau Integration

This page describes how to set up Tableau Desktop and configure it for use with Rockset. You can integrate Tableau with Rockset to power real-time dashboards on NoSQL data.


The steps below require that you have the Rockset Java SDK jar version 0.7.0+.

For instructions on building the jar, refer here. You can also download the jar (rockset-java-$version-uberjar.jar) from Maven.


Tableau Desktop is a data analysis and visualization software. Tableau Desktop uses JDBC driver to perform operations.



Note: Make sure your Tableau Desktop installation is version 2019.2 (or later) and you have Rockset Java SDK version 0.7.0 (or later).

  1. Get Rockset credentials. Create and save an API Key using the API Key tab of the Rockset Console.
Create New API Key
  1. Setup Rockset Java SDK path. Place the Rockset Java SDK jar in the following folder depending on the operating system:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers
    • Mac: ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers and/or ~/Library/JDBC

    Refer to Tableau Documentation and Tableau Help for more detailed instructions.

  2. Navigate to JDBC connections. In Tableau, navigate to Connect To a Server and select Other Databases (JDBC):

Tableau Connect

  1. Configure connection. Configure the connection as follows:
    • Use jdbc:rockset:// for URL (or the api url for your region if not Oregon - you can find the list of regions here).
    • Select PostgreSQL as dialect.
    • Enter apikey as Username and Rockset API Key as the password.
    • Click on Sign In

Tableau Rockset Information


Explore the schema of all Rockset collections present in your workspace:

Tableau Explore

Publishing to Tableau Server

Publish a workbook along with a data source to your Tableau server:

  1. Navigate to Publish Workbook. Select Publish Workbook from Server in the Menu.

Tableau Publish Workbook

  1. Publish workbook. Edit Data Sources and select Published Separately for Publish Type and Embedded password for Authentication.

Tableau Publish Configuration