Real-Time Customer 360s

Create meaningful customer engagement with a complete, real-time view of your customers

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Customer 360

Understanding how customers interact with your organization across every channel is essential to delivering the best customer experience. What makes this hard is the difficulty in accessing and analyzing the most up-to-date customer data. Using Rockset, you can analyze all relevant customer data quickly and simply in a real-time customer 360, so you can respond to customer events as they happen.

Customer 360 Use Cases

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    Generate unified customer profiles in real time from in-store, web, app and social media data. Deliver a consistent, compelling customer experience across all channels to drive marketing effectiveness and revenue.
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    Combine data from multiple customer touchpoints with real-time product usage and quality data. Increase cross-sell opportunities while proactively reducing customer churn.
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    Equip customer support teams with comprehensive views of the customer based on their latest activity. Reduce time to resolution for customer issues and make your customers more successful.

Why Rockset

Why Customer 360s Are Hard
How Rockset Makes It Easy
Customer data in different formats: Customer data includes sales transactions in OLTP databases, user activity in streaming systems or data lakes, and data from internal CRM and customer service tools—each with a different data model.
Analyze data regardless of data format: Bring in data with different formats without requiring upfront transformation. Build accurate pictures of your customers using as many types of customer data as possible.
Can't incorporate real-time data: Real-time purchase, product or user activity data has to go through latency-inducing data pipelines before being queried, so your customer profiles don't reflect the latest customer interactions.
Optimized for low data latency: Rockset ingests data continuously from real-time sources and makes it queryable within seconds. This ensures the actions you take are based on the most up-to-date data.
Requires complex analytics: Consolidating customer data is just the first step. Building a real-time customer 360 requires running complex analytics, spanning multiple data sources, to build customer profiles on the fly.
Fast search, aggregations and joins: Run complex queries, including joins, at scale. Generate unified customer profiles in real time, combining internal and external, live and static customer data.

Why Customer 360s Are Hard

Customer data in different formats: Customer data includes sales transactions in OLTP databases, user activity in streaming systems or data lakes, and data from internal CRM and customer service tools—each with a different data model.
Can't incorporate real-time data: Real-time purchase, product or user activity data has to go through latency-inducing data pipelines before being queried, so your customer profiles don't reflect the latest customer interactions.
Requires complex analytics: Consolidating customer data is just the first step. Building a real-time customer 360 requires running complex analytics, spanning multiple data sources, to build customer profiles on the fly.

How Rockset Makes It Easy

Analyze data regardless of data format: Bring in data with different formats without requiring upfront transformation. Build accurate pictures of your customers using as many types of customer data as possible.
Optimized for low data latency: Rockset ingests data continuously from real-time sources and makes it queryable within seconds. This ensures the actions you take are based on the most up-to-date data.
Fast search, aggregations and joins: Run complex queries, including joins, at scale. Generate unified customer profiles in real time, combining internal and external, live and static customer data.

Core Features

Schemaless Ingestion

Ingest semi-structured, nested data without requiring a fixed schema. Rockset automatically infers the schema, so you can run queries without performing any transformation.

Built-In Data Connectors

Set up continuous ingestion from common data sources, like MongoDB, DynamoDB, Kafka and S3, in a plug-and play manner. New data is reflected in Rockset in seconds.

SQL with JOINs

Join multiple data sets for analysis. Rockset supports full-featured SQL, enabling complex search, aggregation and join queries.

Converged Index™

Rockset automatically builds search, columnar and row indexes on your data to deliver fast queries at scale.


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