Build Interactive Applications on Data Lakes

Search and analyze semi-structured data in S3 and GCS in real-time.

$300 in free trial credits. No credit card required.

Unlock Fast Search and Analytics on Your Data Lake

Build interactive applications on constantly changing data in your data lake. Rockset performs schemaless ingestion of deeply nested JSON, XML, Avro, Parquet and other semi-structured data formats. It automatically schematizes and indexes data so you can run millisecond-latency SQL queries on large-scale data without any upfront data preparation.

Interactive Queries Using SQL

Search, aggregate and join data in S3 with OLTP databases and event streams using SQL. No upfront schema definition required.

Data is automatically indexed in an inverted index, a columnar index and a row index for millisecond latency queries.

Serverless Data Stack for Analytics

Rockset is a fully-managed, cloud-native service. No managing clusters, shards or indexes.

Rockset scales ingest compute, storage and query compute independently to handle varying workloads.

Analyze Data in Real-Time

Built-in data connectors to continuously ingest data from S3 or GCS.

New data is queryable within a few seconds of it being generated.

Interactive Analytics Use Cases

Customer 360

Understand how customers interact with your organization across every channel with a single, unified view.


Increase conversions, cross-sell and upsell with personalized recommendations and offers.

A/B Testing

Build new hypothesis, construct better ideas and design follow up experiences with interactive slicing and dicing of data.

What Our Customers Are Saying

"My manager, the vice president of engineering, was blown away by the speed at which I could not only access the data, but turn it into usable and reportable information. Needless to say, we are successfully using Rockset today to solve many other data challenges including creating new analytics to help our customers measure the return on investment they are making in leadership coaching."

Jon Farr, Principal Data Architect at Sounding Board

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Real-time analytics at lightning speed