Compute-Compute Separation: A New Cloud Architecture for Real-Time Analytics

Hear from Rockset co-founder and CEO Venkat Venkataramani and principal engineer Nathan Bronson as they share their vision for real-time analytics, explain the new architecture and how it delivers efficiencies in the cloud. In this talk, we’ll delve into how Rockset:

  • Isolates streaming ingest and query compute for predictable performance even in the face of high-volume writes or reads. Avoid compute contention and resource overprovisioning
  • Supports multiple applications on shared real-time data. Rockset separates compute from hot storage while continuing to deliver low-latency queries. Achieve workload isolation without creating replicas
  • Scales out across multiple clusters for high concurrency applications


Venkat Venkataramani is the co-Founder and CEO of Rockset. Prior to founding Rockset, he was an Engineering Director for the Facebook infrastructure team that managed online data services for 1.5 billion users. These systems scaled 1000x during his eight years at Facebook, serving five billion queries per second at single-digit millisecond latency and five 9's of reliability. Prior to Facebook, Venkat worked on tools to make the Oracle database easier to manage.
Nathan Bronson is a principal engineer at Rockset working on disaggregated storage, RocksDB replication, and query execution performance. Nathan has a passion for systems engineering challenges that require high performance and correctness. Before joining Rockset, Nathan worked on Meta’s online data infrastructure. He was a core contributor to Tao, a graph store serving more than a quadrillion queries a day, architected FlightTracker, a set of systems that provide consistency for accesses to Meta's graph, and authored F14, open-source project C++ hash tables that are compact, fast and cache-efficient.

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